How it all started

My introduction to soapmaking started as a result of wanting to spend time with my mother. She had been making an old-fashioned soap out of lard for years that my entire family raved about, so I thought it might be fun to spend some time with her and to learn a little something about the process. And oh boy was that the beginning of an obsession and something I’ve never been so PASSIONATE about in my entire life! Passionate is in bold because I literally wake up thinking about soap and I go to bed thinking about soap. When I say it’s an obsession, I really mean it! Growing up in a large Mormon household with six siblings, I’ve always been around crafty people - several of my sisters have practically written the book on crafting. So when I started making soap with my mom, something just clicked in me. It’s like someone flipped a switch and my broke my inner artist loose!

When I was diagnosed with a rare chronic blood cancer in 2018, I went to the darkest places I have ever been. If you have experienced chronic disease, sometimes the mental health element of it can be more damaging than the disease itself. And then the pandemic happened. Needless to say, I was not doing well both physically and mentally. But when you’re in your darkest places, you find things out about yourself you never knew existed. And that’s how Clover Soapworks started. When I am making soap, everything else fades away. It just feels right. So while I may be dealing with some things in my life I would rather not, making soap is my therapy and making colorful, bright, and vibrant soaps makes me HAPPY! And all I want to do is share that happiness with you.

With Love,
